"kucium bunga itu berkali kali
dan dalam keharumannya
aku terkenangkan dirimu..."

i will hunt you down

Chauvinists should be shot.

I have envisioned myself a future that would be oh-so-fucking cool.
I�m going to work so hard on my body, I�ll have the clich�d urat besi under my skin.
I will take up shooting as a hobby.
I�ll get bullets at freaking K-mart if I have to.
I will train myself to hunt.
And at my peak, I will shoot down chauvinistic men (pigs) on sight.

There is a person out there who blames me for every fucking thing in his life. Here�s my toast to you dude � grow up and jump off of a building.
At least that�ll do the world some good.

I cannot love a man who believes he is superior to women.

I will not share my life with a man who thinks he must be given respect just because he has a piece of flesh dangling between his legs.

Aku kurang gemar lelaki Melayu yang kerap kali mengungkit retorik pseudo-Islam untuk membuktikan ia lebih berhak atas Tuhan dan Agama dari wanitanya.

Aku naik benci dengan lelaki Melayu yang kolot, yang bodoh, yang taklid, yang pekak kerana terlalu asyik dengan suaranya sendiri.

Kepada lelaki-lelaki ini
: Pergi Mati.

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Idaman is a young Malaysian on the lookout for an education in Los Angeles, California. She strives to write but is constantly sidetracked by clubs, books, plays, food and occasionally, her school work. She appreciates feedback from her readers and accepts praise, brickbats and party invites at [email protected]

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by idaman