"kucium bunga itu berkali kali
dan dalam keharumannya
aku terkenangkan dirimu..."

dude, where's my kuih raya?

Reasons I love my school and the city it�s in

1. I pass filming crews on the way to class.

2. I can listen to intellectual discourse analyzing movies like "Dude, Where�s My Car?". I mean, where else in the world do leading intellectuals find meaning in inane pop culture?

3. I have conversations with openly gay professors who want to practice their Bahasa Indonesia. Did you know that the Indonesian word for a pondan is a combination of woman (wanita) and man (priya), wariya?

4. I learn about stuff I would never have known had I chosen to study in a different country, or a different state for that matter. Did you know that traditional Native American societies have a 3rd and sometimes a 4th gender, as opposed to the usual two we have?

It�s amazing the things people analyze these days. Intellectuals are no longer limiting themselves to "serious" text or art or whatever to analyze. They now turn to the ordinary; they say the most unpretentious things reveal the most insight on life.

Seriously, I would never have thought �Dude Where�s My Car?� as a commentary on the strategies of Stupid-White-Male-ism to negotiate dominance. Apparently, stupidity is a strategy to gain and remain in power � prime example, George W.
Plus, I love the fact that the professor who presented the paper was an out-of-the-closet lesbian who looked like a 16-year-old boy dressed in his dad�s suit.

The end of the term is near, and things are getting a little crazy. Research papers need to be worked on, math problems need to be analyzed, design models need to be built � yergh. I sense a stressful month ahead. I'm looking forward to building the model � I'm designing a Malay/Thai-influenced pavilion for a park, a la the Japanese garden in Central Park NYC. I'm crossing my fingers in the hopes that my professor would approve the design � I'd have an ethnic edge over my classmates and that always helps.

On a lighter note, Mommy�s sending over kuih raya.
Dude, sweet!

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Idaman is a young Malaysian on the lookout for an education in Los Angeles, California. She strives to write but is constantly sidetracked by clubs, books, plays, food and occasionally, her school work. She appreciates feedback from her readers and accepts praise, brickbats and party invites at [email protected]

�2003 Design and Content
by idaman