"kucium bunga itu berkali kali
dan dalam keharumannya
aku terkenangkan dirimu..."


Random thoughts:

Why can't we have a goddess instead of a god?

Why do women have less muscle mass than men?

Why do we refer to god as Him and not Her?

"There is no compulsion in Islam." I don't buy the "double-standard" argument i.e. No compulsion to embrace the religion, but once you're in, you're fair game.Yergh.

But then, the concept applies to many other things.
If you're a Hindu but you eat beef, it'll certainly not make you less a Hindu, you'll just be a "lapsed" or "unpracticing" Hindu. No?
If you want to be a hot girl, you stop eating. If you eat, you won't be less a hot girl, but the risk of you turning into an un-hot girl becomes bigger. No? How does that relate to double standards in religion?

I am not so articulate right now. Blame my low blood sugar. Not.

I am afraid of marriage. I might turn out to be one of those serial monogamists. Or better, serial polygamists. Ooh.

I hate the way many of my fellow Malay brethren think. I hate the fact that I hate that. It's so un-PC.

I hate Malay men.

I love Malay men.

I should swear off of men and date women.

What's for iftar tonight?

How can I convince myself that the god I'm supposed to worship is fair? Should I even try convincing myself?

I should lose a few pounds.

Why? My body ain't bad. Freakin magazines messing with my head.

What's so sexy about breasts? They're just mounds of soft flesh hanging from your ribcage.

Why weren't there any female prophets? Are there any in Christianity/Judaism? Betcha there aren't.

Why is "emotional" a negative adjective? Don't we all have feelings?

Why am I fasting? Doesn't that make me a hypocrite, considering my conflictions about my faith?

I hate Gwyneth.

Would I kill for a living?

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Idaman is a young Malaysian on the lookout for an education in Los Angeles, California. She strives to write but is constantly sidetracked by clubs, books, plays, food and occasionally, her school work. She appreciates feedback from her readers and accepts praise, brickbats and party invites at [email protected]

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by idaman